History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Wiki

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History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Wiki

Kenichi's first battle as well as the first battle of the entire series. Kenichi faces his biggest bully in order to stay in the karate club.


Kenichi originally joined the karate club to gain strength and stop being bullied, but he only ended up being bullied more so by his arrogant club mates, who only let him join to use him as a human punching bag. Daimonji would be the biggest bully among them, holding Kenichi in contempt for his lack of strength. When Daimonji catches Kenichi trying to train with the club's equipment, he stops him and demands he leave the club because he is weak and always will be. However, Kenichi stands up to Daimonji and the later challenges Kenichi to a match in one week, the loser having to quit the club. Though Kenichi fear Daimonji will pummel him, Miu offers to train him for the fight.


Daimonji launches the first attack and Kenichi is barely able to block his punch; however, it sends him out of the ring. After getting back into the fight, Kenichi reflects on what Miu has taught him and manages to use the Kouho Haiho Miu taught him to dodge Daimonji's next blow and land a punch to his ribs. However, Kenichi's punch was too weak to hurt Daimonji and gets kicked away. Thanks to Miu's training, Kenichi is able to dodge Daimonji's attacks, but he was never taught any offense and is unable to win unless he finds a way to attack Daimonji

The fight continues with Kenichi continuing to dodge all of Daimonji's attacks and the latter begins to tire from the long fight. While dodging another attack, Kenichi accidentally trips his opponent fall flat on his face. This causes him to realize the secret behind Kouho Haiho while Daimonji, humiliated by getting tripped by his former victim, makes a wild charge. Kenichi uses the last part of Kouho Haiho to switch from defense to offense and throw Daimonji to the ground. The throw causes Daimonji to pass out and forces the club members to awaken him with a bucket of water, giving Kenichi the win.


Daimonji tries to justify his loss, stating that Kenichi didn't win because he didn't use a karate move. The club leader Tsukuba is indifferent to Daimonji's excuses and plans to make him go through with his deal. When Daimonji resorts to begging, Kenichi takes pity on his former bully and forfeits on the grounds that he didn't use karate to win, leaving the karate club.

Afterward, he meets Niijima, who tells him that although he admitted his defeat, he is considered the winner of fight; starting to call him by his name. The fight also caught the attention of Tsukuba, who wants to face Kenichi.
